Day 16: Thank God it’s Friday!

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Yesterday we arrived back in campus like 10pm and because of all lack of sleep that my jetlag caused me during first week I’m super tired. I slept like 9 hours but after two weeks with 3-6 hours daily sleep it’s not enough. At least I know one thing to do this weekend: sleep as much as I can!


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Nighttime photos + ghost of the campus 😉


I spend my day mostly by studying my cameras users manual (Yep, I still have same EOS550D that I bought almost five years ago but it’s amazing that you still can find something new of it). Now you might think why on earth I’m reading users manual, for fun? No, I’m not totally insane – this is homework for my photography course. I should read the manual and if there is anything new or weird we’ll talk trough those issues on next class. I found this homework most interesting and easiest to do when tired.


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Small package, huh. Didn’t fit into our mailboxes but luckily it fitted in a friends car! 🙂


Afternoon I got wonderful surprise, my pole had arrived! Happyhappyhappy! One week without pole have been long and I felt alone. Now only pink Trigger Point Foamroller and better tasting BCAA is missing (oh, and one text book). 🙂 I’m bit sad that all my muscles are super sore because of yesterdays dance class so wasn’t able to do anything super exciting tomorrow but stretching today and pole tomorrow. 😉 Moreover we have three day off because of Martin Luther Kings day so I have three poly days. Yea! What are your plans for weekend?


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Pole and nutrition stuff to make sure that I can walk istead of rolling back home on May 😉





Ready, Set, Pole!

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