5 Tips: How to Survive Extremely Busy and Exhausting Times

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Do you know the feeling when it’s hard to wake up at the morning? When after well slept night you’re still exhausted? Do you feel that you’d need 48 hours a day just to manage to do all the mandatory things in life?


At the moment I’m just waiting for May to come. Time to time this academic year I’ve felt very tired and overwhelmed with everything in my life. I’m studying one full-time degree, some other university courses, working and on top of that planning wedding, blogging and working with couple other projects.


All that could be just fine but my university is in 5 hours drive from my work. So some weeks I’ve traveled 20-30 hours in addition to working 30h and trying to handle my study responsibilities.




I’m happy that this situation is ending for the summer. Then I’ll have only work, wedding and honeymoon. No school or traveling to uni. I’m not yet sure how I’ll carry on next fall but I’ll let you know. At the moment I just try to be well-organized, sleep enough, eat healthy and count days to next day offs and then to summer break from uni.


Today I’ll share my tips on how to deal with exhaustment and extreme busyness. I hope you find these tips helpful!



5 Tips: How to Survive Extremely Busy and Exhausting Times






1. Remember that It Won’t Last Forever


This tip is great if you’re busy with a temporary project like Christmas season or wedding planning. Usually during Christmas season I count days to the end of high peak season (my job is sales related so that’s the busiest time of the year).



2. Try to Find Ways to Relax and Do Other Things Too


I know it’s hard to even think about other things when you’re extremely busy. Anyhow, try to focus on sleeping enough, finding some time for your hobbies, go to massage or just do a deep breathing exercise.


Stress can make sleeping harder and when you’re tired things always seem a bit harder. Try not to get into that circle, or try to end it as soon as possible.




3. Be Well Organized


Sometimes you start to feel busy and stressed because you have to remember too many things simultaneously. Write everything down, start a bullet journal or use calendar.


Which ever works the best for you. Just make sure that you don’t have to remember all the meetings, deadlines, etc. Let the notebook or calendar do that for you.



4. Reschedule Less Important Things


Are you working 60 hours a week and simultaneously planning a holiday with friends,  decorating your apartment, training to agility competition and blogging?


Probably all of those things are not urgent. Prioritize the most important ones that have to be done right now, reschedule the others. Mark them in your calendar to a less busy time in your life. That way you can reduce stress in present moment and make sure you’re still getting everything done.




5. Change Something in Your Life


Is everything as urgent? Is the situation more or less permanent? Do you feel that irrespective of all the planning and relaxing you’re as exhausted?


If there doesn’t seem to an easy solution and sleep, relaxing and being well organized doesn’t fix anything, you probably must change something sooner or later.


Could you change a position or employer? Could you drop some courses or responsibilities? Could you move closer to your work or school?


Please consider these changes before it’s too late. Nobody else will change your life than yourself. Think what you want to do and what is important. Focus on those important things in your life and take some time for yourself as well.



All photos of this article are from Pixabay, I’m still using my own ones too in future, don’t worry. These free photo resources are just one way to get through busy times and still create some killer content here. What do you think about bloggers using stock photos in addition to their own?


Have you been too busy or tired lately? How you have fixed the situation? Or what you’re planning to do to fix it?


    1. Well, I’m having plenty of great things in life. I kind of love them but at all those are just quite much to handle at once with days only 24 hours long. 🙂 These tips I shared have helped me a lot. Some days are easier and some others harder. You just have to keep organized and positive to make things a bit easier. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts! x


  1. Wow! I can’t believe you have to travel that much for school. I would go bonkers!!! I’ve been in the midst of some pretty exhausting times which is why I’m so happy to be traveling to California for a quick break in just a couple days!!! Great tips, Nora. ❤ P.S. I'm totally fine with bloggers using stock photos in combination with their own. Sometimes there's just not enough time to do it all. Especially when great photos are so dependent on outside conditions like good lighting, etc.


    1. Yeah, I’m trying not to think how much time I’ve spent on highway this year (and how many more is coming). California sounds great, I hope you have wonderful time there! ❤️ I’m happy to hear the stock photos don’t bother you. ☺️


  2. Oh well your schedule is absolutely crazy I’m a bit worried how you survive from day to another! These are great tips though just don’t burn yourself playing with the fire if you know what I mean 🙂


    1. Thanks for the comment and caring Jasmin! To be honest I would prefer doing a bit less courses in uni but medical department just tells me working is not a reason to study slower so I must keep going I guess. Anyhow, things are going quite well at the moment. I’ll have spring break soon and there is only 2.5 months left before the summer starts. 🙂


    1. Yes and yes! Being positive is really important for your wellbeing and being well organized is a must to get everything done.


    1. That’s so true! It makes it a lot easier to find time to relax even when busy. Also, it’s good to remind yourself that it’s not lasting forever. ❤️


  3. Wow! That’s a lot of traveling! That’d have me exhausted too! For me it’s definitely focusing on staying organized with a schedule. It helps to have a daily rhythm and I feel like my body starts to get the hang of it.


  4. I totally agree with you. When I have worked and going on university I needed like 2 hours sometimes more because I was traveling with the buses. And the organization was key how I manage to do it all including studying. Now, sometimes I ask myself how in the wold I manage to do that. 😂 I really hope you will charge your batteries during the summer ☺️


    1. That’s what I hope too. I’m really looking forward to the summer. I hope the summer will be relaxing for you too. 🙂


    1. Thank you, darling! That’s my goal in this blog – share positive and inspiring content to motivate you and my other readers to success. ❤️ I also share my journey towards my dreams to show you guys that achieving the dreams is possible.


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