Be Grateful of Small Things – 10 Things that Make Me Happy

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Have you ever thought what’s great in your life at the moment? Do you remember to be grateful because of small things even when everything isn’t perfect?


It’s important for your mental health and happiness to be able to be find the positive side of things and be grateful of good things in your life. Today, I’ll share 10 things that make me happy at the moment and simultaneously those are 10 things I’m grateful of. I hope this post will help you to make your own list and help you to find positive things that you can be grateful at the moment.



10 Things I’m Grateful of



1. I Can Study Things I’m Interested in




When I was smaller I was between two good options – should I go into medical school or to start studying marketing and/or management. I’m grateful that I could take both. In my school I was able to start economics as a minor of medical degree. After all I’ve been so excited of it as well that I think I’ll graduate to be M.D. and BBA which I think is amazing. This journey isn’t always easy but I really which I could combine what I’ve learned in both schools and find some unique and amazing position in future.

In case you’re wondering how I do all these simultaneously, check out my post about how I manage. 🙂



2. I am Relatively Healthy


I do have some minor allergies and get some flus during the flu season but I’m happy that outside those I’m relatively healthy. This is a thing most people don’t remember to value but after seeing others losing their health and after studying about all the diseases and things that could go wrong I’ve started to be more grateful that things are pretty well.



3. At the Moment Most Berries and Veggies are Delicious and Affordable




Small things to be grateful of, haha! I just loooove all the fresh berries, fruits and veggies of the fall season. Also, it always makes me grateful that I can actually easily afford eating them every day. At least here in Finland things like blueberries and strawberries have been quite affordable during the past 1-2 months.



4. I Have Super Cute Dog




Our dog is a little silly sometimes but it’s on the other hand super cute and fluffy little friend. It always makes me smile to see him play or sleep in some funny positions. It’s also nice to come home when that tail wagging furball is there waiting for me.



5. I Have Passed 3 Exams Already During This Fall Semester


Last spring I was quite busy with everything including work, travel and studies. I failed or skipped couple of exams because of lack of time for studying. However, I’ve been able to read during summer and fall and I did pass two exams from last year and one new one everyone in my course had to take. And actually this means, I’ve passed every exam I’ve had this year which is great. I’m grateful that I have been able learn those things and also that I’ve been able to get couple of exams closer to graduation.



6. I Have Found Some Amazing People Through This Blog


Blogging is fun and it teaches how to write, how to optimize your posts for search engines and how to take and edit photos. However, the best thing in my opinion is how you can find amazing people through it. This year I’ve found amazing people around the globe through comments, emails and by reading others blog after they’ve commented mine. If you like what I do or just want to say hello, feel free to comment! And if you wish to collaborate, feel free to hit me with an email.



7. The Weather in Finland Has Been Great During Summer and Fall 2018




I love summer. The hotter the better and the longer the sunny time of day the better. It’s been great that still in September the days have a lot of sunshine. The temperature has still hit around 70F (20C) couple of times which is unlikely in here during fall. So, I’m grateful of the good weather we’ve had lately.



8. I Have a Lot of Ideas for Blog Posts in My Mac


I’m really busy with everything at the moment. However, it makes my life slightly easier to know that I have things to write about and some drafts listed in my computer. Also, I have scheduled some content for the future and some amazing people have also emailed me if it would be possible to guest post here.



9. Carpooling Has Definitely Given Me a Lot of Good Experiences Lately




Have you guys done carpooling? Meaning that when you drive somewhere you offer a ride to random people going the same way – or you can also be one of those ”randoms” as well. I’ve done a lot of carpooling lately and it’s great! I love meeting others and I’m grateful of all the great discussions I’ve had with some new, very interesting people.



10. I Have an Amazing Husband




The last but not least thing is this list is of course my amazing and loving husband. Without him I would not be where I am at the moment and I’m super grateful of all the support, help and love he has offered to me through past couple of years. It’s great to have someone who always listens and someone you know wants only good things for you. We always have a lot of fun together and the thing I’m most grateful in life at the moment is definitely having him by my side.




What you’re grateful at the moment? What makes you happy right now?


  1. Hi Nora. I love this post cause its so so true. We fail to see the little things that are truly our happiness. So very well said! Thanks for the reminder! And i love your motto if you can dream it you can achieve it. It is exactly that!


    1. Hi Penelope! Thank you for your kind words. 🙂 I’m happy you enjoyed the post, and I agree that people should embrace things around them more often. Everyone one of us has some big or smaller good things around. Have a lovely day and thank you for the comment!


  2. I love this, Nora! Taking time out for gratitude is so important…especially in busier seasons of life. I’ve been working on looking at things that could be considered stressful through a lens of gratitude. Whenever something stressful pops into my head, like “I have so much to do today!”, I try to tack on an “…and I LOVE it!” at the end. This helps remind myself that I’m lucky and blessed even when feeling overwhelmed.


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