How to Get in Shape and Stay Fit Healthy?

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It’s again that time of the year, the beginning. You might have just done your resolutions and decide to get in shape. It’s a great idea and to might be super excited, try still remember following things.

1) Don’t Overdo it

I think this is the reason why so many people give up before it’s February. If you have been inactive for last eleven months you cannot start training to marathon by running an hour everyday. Whatever you’re target is remember to start slowly and leave space for progression.

Add some more workouts and learn new healthier recipes. Especially if you haven’t done too much exercise during last month(s) start with couple workouts a week. It’s easier to add them slowly and keep progressing if you don’t burn yourself out during the first week. Overdoing your training and diet also increases your risk for injury.

2) Do Different Kind of Workouts

Don’t stick in one way of training, vary your workouts daily and weekly. Remember to do cardio, muscle training and some stretching. This decrease change of injury and helps you keeping healthy and motivated.

3) Remember to Take Care of Yourself and Listen to Your Body

This is very important! If your schedule says you have high intensity interval training today but every part of your body hurts respect your body and don’t break it. Instead of high intensity training do stretching or go to hot stone massage. Make sure you take extra good care of yourself especially when you’re on diet or your having a goal in mind.

Of course you cannot always be in the best mindset and physical state but when you feel that you cannot complete your training in good or even okay level it’s just better to relax for day or two and then carry on training. Never workout when you’re sick or super tired.

4) Remember to Sleep and Relax

Balance is very important when you’re reaching out something that you really want. Especially when it’s a lifestyle change or getting in fit. Everyone can exercise for some amount of time and all of us can force ourselves to eat broccoli but that’s no the whole truth.

To carrying on in the path of healthy living and fitness and wellness you have to enjoy the journey. You actually need to enjoy cooking that broccoli and going to gym. It’s so much easier to enjoy doing so when you’re well rested, relaxed and have also other good and fun things in your life. Sometimes it’s better for your diet to sleep than woke up 5am for a run.

5) Don’t Give Up!

And finally remember, it’s not always easy. It won’t always be easy. It’s not supposed to be always easy. It’s just life and like everything in life your motivation and condition might have it’s ups and downs but it’s normal. Just try to keep your goals clear and think about what you’ve achieved and what you still want to achieve.

None of us has started today and been in perfect shape tomorrow. It just doesn’t happen in one day or one month. It takes time but if being fit is something you’ve always wanted and you really want it’s worth it. Just remember to keep working hard every day and don’t give up!

I wish you all the best to 2017. Have a happy and healthy year my dear readers! ❤


  1. Wise words! Thanks! Maybe this year I will reach my goal and will start to do exercise (haven’t done any so far in my life – and I am over 23!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow that’s quite a long time without exercising. Remember to start slowly and listen to your body – that’s how you’ll keep motivated and healthy! I wish you all the best to your year with workouts! 🙂


  2. Your first point SPEAKS TO ME. hahaha. I was pretty active until I had my first (and huge) panic attack while hiking. I stopped any and all activity and learned the hard way that I had to start small after being inactive for over a year. Now I do yoga and a little HIIT at home and I’ve been trying to work up to more! Thanks for sharing this!


    1. That’s so true! Pushing gets you in risk of injury, it takes the joy away and kills your motivation. When you actually enjoy and have fun being active and eating healthy it’s so much easier and those life changes will also last so much easier! I wish you all the best, have a healthy 2017 and welcome back! 🙂


  3. Hi, that is a wonderful post. If I may also add…

    I think it is important to stick to healthy food choices. Sometimes, we indulge, but only small amounts. But the most important thing is to learn because nowadays, companies and restaurants are claiming how healthy their foods are, but they do not tell us everything.

    Physical activities are important in health and we all know that. But the level of physical activity must be mild to moderate. Anything more, then supplementation is needed. That is because the more we exert, the more nutrients we need. And food sources do not always give us complete or right amounts of nutrients. In that sense, heavy physical activities may be good for the short terms, but also cause harm long-term.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Excellent points Robert! It’s very true that you really have to be careful and critical if eating out and trying to eat healthy. I’ve even seen a popcorn box saying “Healthy and Nutritious” while I was living in the US. That’s far away from healthy!

      Your addition to physical activities is also great. I’ve heard that we should do 80% mild to moderate and 20% heavier exercises. And for beginners with not so good technique those heavy ones are not very good in general.

      Thank you for your interest and the long reply Robert! 🙂


  4. Great tips, babe! (btw your nails are so cute !) I mostly agree with the doing different workouts. I get bored very easily so I like spicing things up, glad others feel the same way hehe 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep! It would be boring to do the same exercise every time. I cannot understand people walking or running the to exactly same route every day for like ten years. That would drive me nuts! Clad you enjoyed the tips Atzimba!


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